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Deepen Your Commitment to Self, Path, and Purpose and Live A Meaningful Life


Are you inspired to take a more active and intentional role in your own life? 

Do you want to feel more present in the moment and powerful in your body? 

Do you feel called to service, with a strong desire to make a positive imprint on the world around you? 

Perhaps you’ve done a lot of personal growth work, but feel like your practices have become stagnant or are slipping. 

Maybe you want to develop healthier habits, stabilize your physical energy, set and achieve fitness goals, and empower yourself to be more active in shaping your body and the world around you.

Perhaps the events of the last year have left you feeling raw, and you're looking for a way to stabilize your energy and give back. 

It might be that you feel called to show up and create a more meaningful impact in the world, but are unsure of what you are truly passionate about and how to best offer your gifts and talents.

Tapping Into Your Why 

SIT, SWEAT, SERVE (SSS) is a self-guided program designed to help you weave a consistent meditation and embodiment practice into your daily life and push you to begin improving the world around you through active service.

Whether you’re a seasoned practitioner or new to the path of personal development and personal growth, SSS helps you connect to YOUR why to assure a steadfast commitment to the healthy habits that cultivate the vitality necessary to live a meaningful life and offer your gifts to the world.

This innovative three-pronged program helps you integrate mind, body, and spirit, allowing you to be more impactful and effective in your own life and in the greater world. 

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Living an Inspired Life starts with YOU and your ability to be present through meditation and self-exploration. To assist you in this profound process, you’ll receive a series of guided meditations, as well as tips on how to sit properly in meditation and create a sacred space for your practice.

Whether you’re new to meditation or a seasoned practitioner, SIT, SWEAT, SERVE offers an opportunity to make a commitment for thirty days and an invitation to make this powerful practice a part of your daily life.



Putting health first by integrating a daily workout into your routine assures that you have the vitality necessary to bring your gifts into the world.

You’ll receive a pre-recorded webinar that guides you in making SMART fitness goals and a 30-day plan. Additionally, you’ll receive an accountability worksheet to track your progress and keep you motivated. Your body is your temple and, with a strong mind and body, you are able to live a meaningful life and better serve those around you.



There is no better time to make a difference in the world. We all have unique passions, goals, and talents. However, at times, it can be challenging to know how and where to focus our energy.

The SERVE segment of SSS takes you on a journey to reveal what being of service truly looks like for you in this chapter of your life and beyond. You’ll receive a comprehensive social impact worksheet designed to help you discover the most effective and rewarding outlet(s) for you to begin making a difference in the world immediately.

 Cultivate More Meaning, Discipline, And Direction 

This unique program is an invitation to show up for your SELF, your PATH, and your PURPOSE by committing to thirty days of disciplined action. You receive the full thirty days of content all at once and I encourage you to begin right away. This content is yours to keep and you can return to it as frequently as needed.

Now more than ever, the world needs you at your very best. Stabilize your mind, body, and spirit through daily practice and share the peace, vitality, and clarity of purpose you cultivate with the world around you. 

SIT. SWEAT. SERVE. will push you to get involved while inspiring you to nurture your SELF on a daily basis. 

If you feel that you’d like more direction, guidance, and support on your personal, professional, wellness, or spiritual path, I also offer one-on-one coaching. Depending on your unique desires, goals, and passions, one-on-one life coaching is designed to help expedite your journey and provide you with the tools, resources, inspiration, and insights needed to truly live a meaningful life.