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Inspired Living
One-On-One Life Coaching 

Inspired Living One-On-One Life Coaching is a multifaceted approach that facilitates growth and transformation in all areas of your life. Covering topics related to Mindfulness, Physical Embodiment, Life Skills, and Impact—The Four Pillars For Living An Inspired Life—this integrative form of life coaching guides you in the development of personal and professional insights, strategies, and resources to actualize your gifts and authentic purpose in the world. 

I can tell you first hand that ascending to your highest calling requires absolute clarity of vision and a well-articulated plan. Success isn’t one-size-fits-all. YOU craft your vision. YOU set the objectives. And YOU define what success means for you. 

I’m here to help you plot the course. 

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PERHAPS you’re looking for support through a major life transition, such as a career change, marriage, birth, or death.

PERHAPS  you have a specific entrepreneurial goal that you’ve been struggling to reach (or start) on your own. 

PERHAPS  you want to reclaim physical vitality, overcome a health obstacle, or meet a specific fitness or training goal. 

PERHAPS you desire to regain personal empowerment and exercise agency in the midst of uncertainty, upheaval, heartbreak, or loss. 

PERHAPS you want to deepen your connection to Self and Spirit and live with more joy, clarity, and peace.

PERHAPS you are experiencing a deep call of the soul to uplevel what already brings you joy and satisfaction while making a meaningful difference in the world. 

Ultimately, it is your soul’s longing that guides our process together.


The work we do together is as unique as you are.

We all have diverse desires, values, needs, and goals, which is why my approach to coaching varies with each client. I meet you where you are, whether that be a professional athlete, overwhelmed parent, budding entrepreneur, seasoned professional, or a passionate warrior on the path of personal and spiritual growth.

Depending on your unique objectives, our work together may focus on a specific initiative, such as a business launch or fitness achievement.

Alternatively, you may be seeking more general support, such as nurturing better health and body awareness or living a more balanced life. You may have a glimmer of an idea of what you want your life to look and feel like, but need support excavating the details and getting started.

Together, we engage in creative and critical thinking, incorporate somatic and mindfulness exercises, and develop thoughtful, effective strategies that move you forward on your optimal path. 


Begin Living Your Most Inspired Life 

If you’re fed up living the status quo and feel inspired to take the exhilarating plunge into a new, more passionate, and powerful chapter of your life, Inspired Living One-On-One Life Coaching provides support, skills, and strategies to expedite your journey.

I don’t expect you to play by anyone’s rules other than your own, yet I do help you move out of your comfort zone and hold your feet to the fire as you dive into a deep exploration of who you are, what excellence, mastery, and success mean to you and start living a life that honors what it is that you really and truly want out of this precious human life.

If the process of self-discovery and crafting a life of mastery, excellence, and joy excites you, I invite you to contact me today to schedule a discovery call for us to get to know each other. It's time to build your Inspired Life, and I’m here to help you transform fear into fuel and build a life of meaning and purpose. With support, dedication, and a strategic plan, anything you want from this life is attainable. 


How to Work with Me

Due to Covid restrictions, Katie is only meeting with clients virtually via Zoom at this time. Stay tuned for when In-Person & 3-Hour Walkabout options open back up.

Virtual Via Zoom

Meet for sessions with Katie from anywhere in the world


In Denver or Bali depending on Katie’s current location

3-Hour Walkabout

A coaching session + nature hike in one

You can choose between 3 levels of commitment. Click on the options below for more details on each.

Social Equity Opportunity

I offer a limited number of sliding scale hours each month.


Let’s connect on a discovery call.

I’m happy to connect authentically, answer questions and discuss if one-on-one coaching and/or another jump-start or deep-dive performance package can provide real value to you on your journey to living an Inspired Life.